Multi-Award Winning
Dog Groomers in Northampton
322 K2 House, Heathfield Way, Northampton NN5 7QP
Phone: 01604588215
Mobile: 07923654445

1/2 Day Dog Grooming Course
Course Details
Course Type In person
Course Length 1/2 day
Certification In House
Price £200
This course is aimed at those pet owners wishing to learn to groom their own dog or for those wanting an insight into dog grooming before embarking on a longer course.
During the Groom Your Own Dog Day, our experienced tutor will teach you grooming techniques including training in nail trimming, grooming, bathing, drying, and basic clipping and scissor techniques. We will also show you the tools that best suit your dog’s coat type and style. You don’t need to bring any tools with you (apart from your dog!) but should you wish to purchase any after your course, we can recommend suppliers to go to.
If this sounds like the course for you...
Get in touch now or book online via the book now button
Full payment required to enrol on course, the team will contact you to confirm course dates available
Please read our terms and conditions