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How the Emmi-pet works 


The emmi-pet toothbrushes are silent... completely non invasive.... non vibrating.... and have a sterilising effect...

They clean up to 12mm deep so not just where you can see but also where you can't.....

The water and the ultrasound waves kill all bacteria and impurities.... cleaning gently but very effectively...

The toothbrushes work by the high frequency waves that go through every single bristle and then the toothpaste which is the conductor for the ultrasound.....

This makes millions of microscopic nano bubbles that break down and soften the tartar...


Dogs no longer have to have a general anaesthetic to have their teeth cleaned... and its affordable...  



Having fully qualified Emmi-pet technicians in our team means we are now more than prepared to look after your dogs oral hygiene and answer any questions you may have about the process.

At The Posh Paw we strive to help you keep your dog healthy and happy and believe that oral health plays an important part of your dogs well being.

We believe that the emmi-pet is the perfect way to keep your dogs mouth and teeth in tip top condition
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